Road construction basics and carpeting of pavements

Road construction involves the creation of new roads or the improvement of existing ones. The process typically involves several steps, including:

  1. Planning: This involves determining the need for a new road or the improvement of an existing one, as well as identifying the route and design of the road.

  2. Clearing and Grading: This involves preparing the site for construction by removing trees, rocks, and other obstacles, and leveling the ground.

  3. Pouring the Foundation: This involves laying a solid foundation for the road using materials such as gravel, sand, and asphalt.

  4. Laying the Road Surface: This involves placing the surface material, such as asphalt or concrete, on top of the foundation.

  5. Finishing: This involves adding final touches to the road, such as striping, signage, and guardrails.

Carpeting of pavements refers to the process of covering a road surface with a layer of asphalt or concrete. This is typically done to improve the durability and smoothness of the road surface, as well as to reduce noise and improve drainage. Carpeting is usually done as part of a road construction or maintenance project.